

 55 year old female came to hospital with complaints of  fever since 3 days , leg pain since 3 days  HOPI:  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back ,Then developed fever which is insidious in onset, gradually progressive , low grade ,continuous, with no chills and rigors . Leg pain since 3 days in both lower limbs associated with tingling and numbness  H/o pain in hypogastric region , non radiating and associated with burning micturation  H/o breathlessness grade 2-3 MMRC aggregated on exertion,  relieved on rest . No H/O chest pain, palpitations , orthopnea , syncope , PND . No H/O Vomitings , loose stools , cough and cold. No H/O Hematuria, bleeding gums, dark coloured stools , petechiae ,purpura. PAST HISTORY: Not a K/C/O  T2DM, HTN,CVA, CAD, Thyroid , Seizure disorder, Asthma ,TB PERSONAL HISTORY:  Diet- mixed ,Normal apetite , bowel habits regular ,Burning micturation present. No known  allergies and no addictions. MENSTRUAL HISTORY: Attained menopause 6 years back PHYSICA