
Showing posts from March, 2022

1st internal GM


case of UTI

Case of UTI.. 65 yr old female came with C/o  ---burning micturition since 4-5 days ---Decreased urine output since today morning  ---Pedal edema since 5-6 hrs  HOPI :  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 to 5 days ago then she developed BURNING MICTURITION  No h/o    loin pain , pain abdomen, fever & chills , vomitings, diarrhoea, itching in genital region, white discharge .  C/o  DECREASED URINE OUTPUT  since one day, only few drops of urine was passed  &  went to the outside Hospital where the treatment of INJ. LASIX 40 mg was given after which she passed the urine  No h/o fever, vomitings,diarrhoea  No h/o hematuria , loin pain   C/o bilateral PEDAL EDEMA , insidious in onset, gradually progressive, pitting type , grade 2 ( upto knees).  No h/o of exertional dysnea, orthopnea , PND,  NO h/o of jaundice , pruritus , facial puffiness  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS:  k/c/o HTN since 6yrs & using T.TELMA mg OD  N/k/c/o of Dm, BA, TB, EPILEPSY, CVA , THYROID DISORDERS .  PAST SU