
Showing posts from December, 2023

prefinal osce and learning points

OSCE AND LEARNING POINTS PREFINAL PRACTICAL EXAMS NAME : LEKHANA ROLL NO: 64 DATE: 8 DECEMBER,2023 Blog link: 1) AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS: -Autoimmune hepatitis is when the body’s infection-fighting system (immune system) attacks your liver cells. -It is a long-term chronic liver disease that causes inflammation and liver damage. Experts don’t know what causes it, but it is more likely to appear in people living with other autoimmune conditions. Certain medications can also trigger autoimmune hepatitis. -It affects more women than men. -It can lead to scarring of the liver (cirrhosis) and liver failure 2)CIRRHOGENIC DOSE OF ALCOHOL: - Time to develop Alcoholic liver disease is equal to amount of alcohol consumed -Men:60-80gm /day for 10years -Women:20-40gm /day for 10 years - Alcoholic Cirrhosis,develops only in 10-20% of those who are chronically heavy drinkers. 3) VIRAL HEPATITIS LEADING TO LIVER CIRRHOSIS: - Heaptitis A has low chances of leading to long term complications like Cirrhosi

39 year old with ascites

December 07, 2023 This is a case of a 39 year old bus driver who is a resident of West Bengal. CHIEF COMPLAINT: Abdominal distension since 2 months. Swelling in the leg since 2 months. Decreased appetite since 2 months. Decreased urine output since 1 month.  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months ago then he developed abdominal distension which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive, associated with decreased appetite. Later he developed bilateral pedal edema extending upto the knees which is of pitting type. After a month his urine output got decreased still he continued his work as a bus driver. His relatives started noticing that his abdomen is getting distended and his appetite is decreased. They suggested him to see a doctor following which he took a homeopathic treatment in West Bengal But there was no improvement. He also took some ayurvedic medication but nothing seemed to work out. Then he came to our hospital with complaints of abdo